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A Moment with Former Students, MOIS Class of 2023

03/02/2024 12:00:00 Õ

A Moment with Former Students, MOIS Class of 2023
Inviting former graduates to share their experiences creates a bridge between past and present, enriching the educational journey for current students and strengthening the overall sense of community within the school.
Thank you Mohammed Samy, Abdelrahman Abdelrazek, Mostafa Ahmed, and Abdallah Ahmed (all studying in the Faculty of Medicine in their respective universities) for inspiring your juniors. The experiences you generously shared are truly beneficial and insightful to your juniors. You have greatly encouraged future university students of MOIS with your words that gave them real world insight, inspiration and motivation, career guidance, networking opportunities, and a sense of community.
You are always welcome to come and visit us anytime at MOIS! Your alma mater wishes you success in all you do!