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عن مدينة العلوم
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معرض الفيديو
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نظام المدرسة
الجدول الزمني
الخطة الإسبوعية
الإتصال بنا
البومات الصور
Writing lessons on QUIZIZZ!
لتطبيق مايكروسوفت تيمز و منصة كلاسيرا الرقمية.
8th sports show
second trimester exams
يوم تأسيس المملكة العربية السعودية
night time routine (Pajama Day)
athletic skills (Tenth show “gymnastic show”)
الطلاب الفائزين في مسابقة عواصم الدول على
الفائزين في المسابقة الإبداعية في
Students of grade 12C conducting an experiment
الطلاب الفائزين في مسابقة اللغة الفرنسية على مستوى
الطلاب الفائزين في المسابقة الرمضانية
الطالبات الفائزات في المسابقة الرمضانية
شارك تسعد
شارك تسعد
Cambridge Assessment Registration Certificate
Grip and Pinch strength
نشاط اللغة العربية
Graduation Project
International Karate Championship
Spelling Bee SY 2022-2023
trip for the third grade students To see the boys'
Career Exploration Project
Arabic Language Police
Welcome after a happy holiday with hearts of love
Group discussion on science fair project
To view the boys' building and the constructions
Team building games
The Standardized Test Club
Read to level yourself up
“The world belongs to those who read”
How sweet is my language
science fair in MOIS exhibits
13th Annual Science Fair
Reading Challenge English department
Math Annual Competition
Math Annual Competition Gr. 5
Class of 2023 Gr. 6 and 9 Graduation
Class of 2023 Gr. 12 Graduation
French Spelling Bee
MOIS Art Show
Qur'an Surat competition
مسابقة حفظ و تلاوة القرآن الكريم
Awarding Ceremony for MOIS-Boys’ Section Staff
3rd Trimester Final Exams
Back to School SY 2023-2024
An introductory lecture
Back to School SY 2023-2024 (Malaz Branch)
Open Day 2023-2024
Welcome Back SY 2023-2024
KG Activity
Class Council Election
Extracurricular activities for kindergarteners
Futures' Leader International School
Friendly football match
مسابقة راقي باخلاقي
الأخلاق هي عنوان الشعوب،
Daily athletic activity
Art Class
الحسن غايته ومن الجمال افضله و
المتفوقات للي جمعوا نقاط أكثر
أرضنا بستان ورمالنا عسجد
استقبال حافل من إدارة مدارسنا مدي
التنافس أقيمت اليوم مسابقة زي
Goodbye Summer
National Day Activity
Learning while Playing
World Teachers Day (Girls Section)
World Teachers Day (Boys Section)
World Teachers Day (Boys Section)
Enjoyed Playing Together
Library visit for having fun and learning morals
Color Recognition
Multiplication Festival
MOIS conducting orientation
"The World Food Day".
Student Council 2023-2024
Tasks of the members of the various committees
Studying for the SAT
Complete a French task in the curriculum
Corn Festival
World Food Day (girls section)
Multiplication Math Heroes
Les parties du corps
ابطال اللغة العربية
(Science activity (Body parts
Social activity
نشاط اللغة العربية تكوين الكلمات
Working with tongs
نشاط حرف الثاء لغتي ما أحلاها
expressing their ideas and emotions.
definition of spreading happiness
preparing the lemonade
Group Dynamics in the Arabic Language Class
motivating students to have good morals
نشاط الحواس الخمس
Number line activity
Classify the nouns Activity
When ART and LANGUAGE meet!
نشاط أسم الله الودود
Model of Grassland
Wondering how to teach colors to kindergartners
لغتي الجميلة
Feed the Shark
Welcome Back to School (semesteral break)
Sense of Touch Mystery Box Activity grade 1
International Children’s Day
We have the right to be treated fairly!
Nature Scientist
Stars of the Week
Interactive SAT session
Film Review of "Hachiko"
"Be the reason someone smiles.
Math week
Except for classical Arabic
physical health medical examinations
100th school day!
ومن تطوع خيرا فإن الله شاكر عليم
correlative and coordinating conjunctions
pajama day every year
XO Game Science Activity Week
Discovering the magic of science
“1st MOIS Artificial Intelligence Conference
''Designing a Slogan''
14th Annual Science Fair 2023-2024
مسابقة القرآن الكريم والسنة
MOIS Science Fair 2023-2024 (Boys Section)
ENGLISH WEEK 2023-2024 (boys section)
Social Activity Week, learning is fun
Lower Grades Projects Fair
لحظات مميّزة تلتقطها عدساتنا داخل المكتبة،
A Moment with Former Students
Snow in Riyadh!!!!
The Tenth Sports Show
Supermarket Math Field Trip
يوم التأسيس يوم الفخر
"زي الوطن"
On the 9th and final day of the 2nd trimester
Ramadan 2024
الفائزون في مسابقة هيا بنا نتدبر
الطلاب الفائزون في مسابقة هيا بنا نتدبر
وللعيد فرحته التي تملأ القلب سرورا وامتنانا
للطلاب متمنين لهم دوام التفوق و النجاح
طلاب مسابقة راق بأخلاقي
Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint Test
Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint Test
La semaine de l’activite de la langue francaise.
French activity week
Little Einstein
مسابقة 'أظهر موهبتك في الرسم'!
Unleash the power of numbers
Summer is on! Let's all beat the heat!
important thing in physics
brilliant mathematicians
High School Interdisciplinary Project
MOIS Graduation Ceremony 2024-2025
المتميزين في مادة الإسلاميات
It's time to beat the heat!
I never dreamed about success; I worked for it
Art Exhibition 2024
Talent is cheaper than table salt.
Special Session with Grades 11 and 12 Students
Welcome Back to School 2024-2025
The secret is to surround yourself
MOIS Orientation for Grades 4 to 8 Parents
Goodbye Summer
Grade 4 Teachers-Parents One-to-One Conference
94th National Day
KSA National Day Celebration
"Respecting Teachers.
علم الفضاء في القرآن
Your mental health is a priority
commitment is fostering a love for reading
the ideal balance between life and studies.
حول الصحة النفسية والتوجيه القرآني
"Taking flight into history at the aviation museum
Enhancing Our Students' Future
Students' Council meets with administration!"
فعاليات أسبوع القيم، تم الي
celebrating our Traditional Day
Traditional Day
the location of the library
Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Snacks
House Chores
تأتي هذه الشراكة ضمن رؤية المدارس لبناء شخصية
Children’s World Day
inspiring broadcast about giving!
A heartfelt morning filled with inspiration
بأهمية الحليب وفوائده الصحية.
Real-World Application of Math Skills
الاحتفاء باليوم العالمي للغة العربية،
Outstanding Achievements
مسابقة القرآن الكريم - جواهر القرآن
Reading with Pinocchio
ALL Rights Resrved 2017