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Reflect on your achievements and celebrate your hard work

06/06/2024 12:00:00 Õ

"Reflect on your achievements and celebrate your hard work. Regardless of the outcomes, know that you have already demonstrated remarkable determination and resilience."
Dr. Medhat Youssef, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Supervisor of MOIS, has certified the results of the third trimester and of the entire academic year of grade 12 students of both the boys' and the girls' sections of Madinat Al-Oloum International School.
The certification provides the approval of the school management regarding the eligibility of the students to graduate from high school with an American Diploma and the privilege for all the graduates to apply for admission in any university of their choice.
MOIS, its success partners and all of the school's stakeholders wish the graduates the best in all their future undertakings. Moreover, MOIS wishes that as the students leave the portals of their alma mater, they will always be guided by its vision, "Learn today... Lead tomorrow..."